《化工机械》杂志 地址:甘肃省兰州市西固区合水北路3号(730060) 广告及展会合作: 手机:13716105508 卢先生 邮箱:13716105508@163.com 编辑及发行: 电话:0931-7311073 传真:0931-7311072 邮箱:chemach@vip.163.com
International Chemical Engineering Symposia 2021
The second International Chemical Engineering Symposia will be held on 20-22 March, 2021 virtually. SCEJ (the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan) presents the SCEJ Award for Outstanding Asian Researcher and Engineer to excellent non-Japanese researchers in Asian region every year. The symposia focuses on the recent developments and future prospects in the research fields of the awardees. Several other research topics are also discussed in the symposia.
Website: https://miraikagaku.xii.jp/iches2021/